Your Creative Push

033: Does alcohol hold back your creativity? (w/ Victor Yocco)



Victor is a Research Director at a Philadelphia-based digital design and development firm. He regularly writes and speaks on the application of psychology to design. He has written for A List Apart, Smashing Magazine, UX Booth, User Experience Magazine (UXPA) and many more. Victor is the author Design for the Mind, an upcoming book on the application of principles of psychology to design. Full shownotes: In this episode, Victor discusses: -His first creative moments, and how his interest in writing began. -How sharing your work can build your confidence... or help you to realize that you have a talent in the first place. -How people can surprise you with the amount of support that they can offer. -Some things in his early life that held him back from being creative. -The way that alcohol entered his life as a ritual for him to pass time on a nightly basis. -How once he stopped drinking, writing replaced that need and it came crashing down like a dam suddenly let loose.