Your Creative Push

318: Your KICK IN THE CREATIVES! (w/ Sandra Busby & Tara Roskell)



Sandra Busby is a still life artist who paints in a contemporary style using traditional methods.  Inspired by the ordinary, she strives to capture the playful light in glass and other still life with her paints. Tara has been in the Graphic Design industry for over 20 years and is the creator of the hugely popular blog, ‘The Idea Medic’. She also has a design website where you can see an abundance of her quirky creations. They came together to create Kick in the Creatives, a website, podcast and community where you can find an abundance of existing online creative challenges all under one umbrella and with some brand new ones added to the mix. Full shownotes: In this episode, Sandra & Tara discuss: -What Kick in the Creatives is all about. -What it was like to meet in person for the first time. -Learning some of their resistances such as imposter syndrome. -Finding ways to detach yourself from your work. -How to handle the insecurities that arise fr