

This week, Mike and Emily dissect a couple of princess properties, one just released, one coming soon(ish) to a cinema near you - one set in the sweeping highlands of Scotland, and one in the alpine peaks of Scandinavia, but both with good and bad to offer. Whatever yoyr opinion, whether you enjoyed Brave or didn't, are looking forward to Frozen or the idea leaves you cold (snigger), let us know, by emailing us at, Liking and commenting on Facebook, or leaving us a review on iTunes. Remember, we are now also LIVE on Stitcher SmartRadio! Stitcher allows you to listen to your favourite shows directly from your iPhone, Android phone, Kindle Fire, and beyond - don't have Stitcher? Download it for free today, at, or from any app store. Links 'n' Stuff: Tokyo Disneyland anime commercial Big Grizzly Mountain POV Branding Brave: The Cultural Capital Of Princesses (NPR)