An Irishman Abroad

Lisa Hannigan (From The Patreon Archive): Episode 11



In this episode the award winning singer/songwriter Lisa Hannigan talks about living a nomadic lifestyle since leaving college to tour the world as a member of Damien Rice's band. She speaks about going solo, writing retreats in New York and London and the challenges that face young women in the industry today.     To access this episode in full and to hear all of our episodes in full each week, visit and sign up for just the price of a pint every month. In return, you will gain full access to our entire archive of all of the podcasts we have ever released including - An Irishman In America, Men Behaving Better and An Irishman Behind Bars. If you come over and join in the first two weeks of August 2020, you will be given something very special as an additional thanks that won't disappoint.   Our charity partner is In these tricky times, Jigsaw provides a range of resources, advice and care for your people to help them strengthen their mental health and the ski