Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour

Episode 114: Eggs Is Great!



What's that under the tree, y'all? Why, it's an end of year review special of Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour with Friends of the Show, Rich and Phil! Join the three of us as we sip mulled cider and go through some of our pop culture highlights of the past year, including; a minor disagreement about Tenet, a complete overuse of the word 'phenomenal', and a lairy looking badger..! Content warning 23m46s-26m01s: Discussion of I May Destroy you, referencing sexual assualt. I know that 2020 has completely sucked, but I really do hope you're able to make the best of Christmas & New Year this year, however that looks for you, and I'll see you in 2021! SPCP Best of 2020 playlist Stacey's Twitter Stacey's Tip Jar Music by Starbomb