Prairie Girls Knit & Spin

Episode 102 - Prairie Girls Potpourri The Sweater Show



In this episode, Danie finishes a pile of sweaters and Susie casts on a pile of projects. Stuff & Things Check out the Glorien cowl from Kino Knits, and Susie's Good Grief! child sweater pattern! Events The Big-Bad-Berg-along started October 1st and runs through November 15th! Check out the thread in the Ravelry group, and be sure to check out the threads in the other podcasts’ groups too! Finished Projects Susie finished her Threshold in time for family photos, and it looked goooood. Danie finished her Rhinebeck Campside Cardi, re-knit the buttonband on her Handspun Elda Cardigan, finished her Featherweight Cardigan, and started AND finished two Harvests! Current Projects Danie swatched for an epic Hamilton-inspired hat Emily of Knitting Butterflies has designed.  Susie started figuring out the border on her Oh Scrap Blanket, and because she's a Prairie Girl, had to do some re-figuring too. She knit a bit on her black 2x1 Ribbed Socks, her Directional Socks,  and cast on a third Newborn Bonnet & Wrap