Final Games

Final Games Episode 10 - Gav Murphy (Video Producer, IGN)



Final Games is a podcast about the games that inspired us. Host, Liam Edwards is joined by various different game developers, game journalists and industry veterans to talk about the eight games that they'd choose to play for the rest of their lives if they were stuck in a deserted place. Think Desert Island Discs, but for games... In to double digits! The tenth episode of the show's guest is IGN funny man, Gav Murphy! Video producer who graced the internet with his lovely Nan and made videos for Nintendo, joins Liam to talk about his top 8 games for his deserted place! Caution: May feature a game about Quavers crisps... Gav Murphy: @cymrogav If you'd like to contact the show or Liam, or if you have any feedback please check out: @LiamBME @FinalGamesShow Final Games is hosted on Soundcloud at: @finalgamespodcast You can also download this show on iTunes as well, just search for "Final Games". Please rate and review the show!