Final Games

Final Games Episode 24 - Peer Schneider (Founder & General Manager of IGN / NVC Host)



In a shorter than usual cast off, Liam is joined by one of the founders of arguably the largest video game site ever, IGN. Peer Schneider joins Liam to talk about the early days of Nintendo and how covering games over the years has changed. As well as, of course talking about his top eight. Peer talks about games other than the ones he's use to covering on the IGN podcast, Nintendo Voice Chat! Long time NVC fans will get a kick out of hearing him talk about games not made by Nintendo :) Don't forget to follow on Soundcloud and leave a comment about what you thought of Peer's choices! We'd love to hear what you the listeners think of the guest's choices and let's have a lovely discussion :) Liam's making videos! He's reviewing games, definitely check out his latest video about Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE You can also download this show on iTunes as well, just search for "Final Games". Please rate and review the show! ALSO! After fan feedback last week, I have now up