Scratch Entrepreneur

Rock Paper Scissors: Telling Your Brand Story to The World



Us humans, we have all these labels for people, right.Us humans, we have all these labels for people, right.Some are mean like calling someone a nerd or a moron.  Some are self-applied like goth or grunge.  Some clearly state a specific spiritual philosophy like Christian or Pagan. Some are about ancestry, others skin color, still others define the generation you were born.  We use these words as a way to categorize traits or behaviors and all of it is a way for our brains to create boundaries.  Wars are fought, rallies are held, weddings are arranged, all in the name of these boxes we create.  When it comes to business, the words that create our box, our brand are important too.  We can incite love or hate, connection or ambiguity just by our choice of label, the words and actions that define us.Our guest today is in the business of creating these connections through stories that building better brands.  Labels that describe him would be extrovert, connector,  describer, storyteller.  Dmitri Vietze has been