Scratch Entrepreneur

Josh Smith Talks Clutch Fabrication



If you own a business, it reflects you, whether you mean for it to or not. Every system, every product, every experience, has you embedded in it.  Any business owner that isn’t comfortable with that should run for the hills.  The “owning a business is like having a child” metaphor may be over used but there is, of course, some truth to it.  The things we build reflect us. But building a healthy profitable business evolves quickly beyond the parenting metaphor.  The thing about parenting is we’re mostly doing it ourselves.  Our tragic missteps and long sought after successes are mostly hidden and only become exposed years later as our kids grow up. The parenting analogy works as a foundation but it isn’t the house. Every business owner quickly moves from the parent figure and takes on a role closer to an architect designing the framework by which success will be built.  But the architect hands over the design and is done, that’s it.  So maybe that’s wrong.  It’s more like the Orchestra conductor, masterfully m