Scratch Entrepreneur

David Quick is Helping Bulls Thrive in China Shops



There are a lot of terms that could define entrepreneurship: Risky, busy, confusing, overwhelming, fun, inspiring, and on and on. Starting and growing your own business is one of the most challenging adventures a person can go on. But there’s another word used a lot to describe owning a business and that’s lonely. So many entrepreneurs describe moments of isolation. Maybe it’s physical isolation, especially early on but more often, the isolation is mental. The buck stops with you. And that means every idea, every decision ultimately falls on your lap. Your left to ponder not only the future but also the past. Maybe there’s an entrepreneur out there who’s got it all figured out but most of us, we’re obsessed about decisions, paths, and outcomes. Each tiny moment swirls inside our head. What’s right, what’s wrong, where should the money go and where did the money go. At first we’re constantly sharing every thought and idea with friends and family. But one subtle cue after another teach us to stop talking about