Scratch Entrepreneur

Real Estate Rock Star Donald Griffin



Have you ever bought a house? I remember the first time I did. It was a really beat up old bungalow with great old bones. I fell in love immediately even though I probably shouldn’t have. The one thing I didn’t do, that I really should have, is hire a realtor. They probably would have noted that the basement was leaky and flooded every time it rained, or that the bathroom was actually just an old back porch with a shower plopped in it, or that we were paying way too much for the work we were going to have to do. I didn’t hire a realtor because, well, I wasn’t very smart about it. Our guest today would have been the perfect guy to help. He is a realtor who's helped people just like me buy houses, sell houses, flip houses, and even rent houses. In the world of real estate, he’s done it all. Along the way he’s been growing a community of raving fans. Like most realtors, he started by joining a realty group. You’ve probably heard the names FC Tucker, Berkshire Hathaway, RE Max, and on and on. These are engines t