Podcasting 101

Oh So Pinteresting



Hey future podcaster! Welcome to the podcast that's all about podcasting! This week I've got a full show for ya! First up is of course, "How has Podcasting changed your life?" In this segment we hear from Mike, the host of Royal Monster Battalion. Even though he is only in the beginning stages of starting his podcast, he can already sense the significance and power of podcasting! We also hear from our Podcast Reviewer Andrew Johnstone. This week he reviews the very popular video game podcast, "Retronauts." What makes this podcast so great? What could you learn from this show? Now in the interview portion, I was lucky enough to sit down with the very lovely Cynthia Sanchez from "Oh So Pinteresting." It's a Blog, It's a Podcast, It's all about Pinterest! Hear how she took a hobby and created a full time gig out of it! Learn some great tips and tricks and hear what she has to say about succeeding in podcasting! Contact: Email: 7DAGpodcasting101@gmail.com Twitter: @Podcaster101 Voicemail: 206-339-1404