Publish Position Profit With John Tighe

Sell more through speaking | Dave Vanhoose | Episode 33



Dave Vanhoose is known for his commitment to mental and physical excellence – a commitment that allowed him to play a key role in the 2003 Tampa Bay Storm Arena Bowl XVII World Championship season!Today he brings that same commitment to excellence to his business – sharing his message and teaching through speaking and seminars. He is the founder of and is a master sales trainer, motivator and mentor.His leadership and sales abilities took his first seminar based sales company, Foreclosures Daily, to number 35 on INC Magazine’s list of 500 Fastest Growing Companies. Within 3 years the company had over $30 million in revenue and was producing 50 to 100 seminar events per month!He has focused his business life on motivating world class people to achieve more than they ever thought possible and his accolades include winning “Speaker Trainer of the Year” in 2010, “America’s Trainer” in 2011, and “Platform Closer of the Year”.