Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

26: Tim Paige Shares 4 Strategies to Quickly Build Your Email List



Today I’m really pleased to have Tim Paige on the show. Tim is the Conversion Educator at LeadPages. As he describes it, his job is to help marketers get better results with their business by building and growing their email lists.  He’s also the host of ConversionCast, an excellent podcast all about email marketing.    You’re a writer, so why should you build an email list?    That’s exactly what we cover in the first part of our conversation.  Tim explains why, as a writer, you need to build an audience that you can communicate with whenever you have something to say, share, or sell.   But we don’t stop at the why of building an email list, of course. Tim shares four strategies you can start using now to build your email list. And if you’ve already started to build a list, his strategies can help you substantially speed up the process.    He also shares a few copywriting tips for writing emails that subscribers will actually want to open and read.    Before we dive into the conversation, let me tell you abo