Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

33: Paul Smith Shows You How to Lead with a Story



Find the show notes to this episode and pick-up a free ebook with writing tips over at writewithimpact.com/episode33 This episode is all about using the power of storytelling to have more impact with your communications at work. My guest Paul Smith is the author of a bestselling book about this topic, “Lead With a Story”. Before writing his book and launching his career as a speaker and corporate trainer helping people to develop their storytelling skills, Paul headed up the market research group for a $6 billion division of consumer products giant Procter & Gamble. In his book, and on his popular podcast that goes by the same title, Paul shares stories of how people have used the power of storytelling to make break-through changes in their relationships at work, and how they’ve used storytelling to inspire others to rally around a vision or a cause, and substantially improved their ability to have impact. In addition to sharing some fascinating stories, Paul gets very practical in this episode, and shows