Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

38: Joe Pulizzi Helps You Build an Audience with Content Marketing



Joe Pulizzi is the founder of the Content Marketing Institute, the leading content marketing educational resource for large enterprises. CMI was recognized by Inc. magazine as the fastest growing business media company in 2014. CMI produces Content Marketing World, the largest content marketing event in the world, and they publish Chief Content Officer magazine. I invited him to the show because I had the chance to read his latest book, Content Inc., and I thought it might be relevant to those of you writers out there who produce content for a living, and are interested in how to use content marketing more strategically to build an audience and, eventually, to monetize that audience. In our conversation, Joe goes through his six-part framework that he presents in his book, all the way from identifying what he calls your “sweet spot” — the area where your skills intersect with your personal passion — to converting one-time visitors into long-term subscribers —  to eventually charging money for your products or