Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

39: James Scott Bell Shows Why Voice is the Secret Power of Great Writing



Voice is one of the most important aspects of writing well, whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction. Yet it’s also one of the most elusive things for a writer. What does it mean exactly, when you talk about “voice”? And what can you do to cultivate a voice that will grab readers and not let them go until they’ve hit the end of your story? This is exactly the topic that James Scott Bell tackles in his latest book, Voice: The Secret Power of Great Writing. In his book, James reveals the true source of voice, and what any writer in any genre can do to capture it for their own work. I had the privilege of speaking with James about the methodology he’s developed over the years as a novelist to create a distinctive voice. In our conversation, James breaks down the steps he goes through as he develops his characters, and shares the process and techniques he uses as he writes. He also talks about the writers who had the biggest influence on his career. James is an award-winning author of bestselling thriller no