Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

40: Books That Can Inspire You to Become a Writer



In this brief episode, I’ll be talking about a topic that I think all writers can relate to, and one that has fascinated me for some time now.  It’s about the power of books to inspire a person to pick up a pen and start writing.  Since launching my podcast last Spring, I’ve interviewed over 30 authors of fiction and non-fiction. If you’ve been listening to some of the earlier episodes, you’ll know that I like to ask my guests if they can name a book or author that at some point in their life inspired them to become a writer, or otherwise had an outsized influence on their writing career. Some of them reach back to their childhood and recall the literary classics that awakened them to the power of great storytelling and the beauty of finely crafted sentences.  Others point to books that gave them the inspiration, confidence, and practical guidance they needed to break free from their 9-to-5 jobs so they could pursue their lifelong dream of becoming a full-time writer. I’m going to quote what some of my guests