Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

44: How Writing on LinkedIn Helps Dustin McKissen Build His Business



Find the notes to this episode at writewithimpact.com/episode44 Dustin McKissen and I met on LinkedIn nearly two years ago, when we were both starting to blog there. Since then, we’ve become friends - virtual friends, at least - since we’ve never actually met in person yet. In fact, this conversation is the very first time we’ve ever spoken to each other beyond email or LinkedIn messaging. I’m a huge fan of Dustin’s writing on LinkedIn. While the word “authenticity” is on the verge of becoming cliche, Dustin epitomizes what this word really means. In his posts, he draws heavily from his personal experiences, sometimes very painful ones, sometimes humorous ones, and in doing so connects with readers in a way few other writers on LinkedIn can. He’s also a prolific writer: he’s published nearly 200 posts that have been viewed over 2 million times, and which have generated tens of thousands of likes, comments, and social shares. Last December, LinkedIn recognized Dustin as one of 90 “Top Voices” from among the 1