Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

61: Jeff Goins Explains Why Real Artists Don't Starve



Two years ago, I interviewed bestselling author Jeff Goins on my podcast about a book he had just published then, The Art of Work. That book was about finding your calling and figuring out how to pursue it, and it went on to become a USA Today bestseller. I invited Jeff back on the show to talk about his latest book, Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age, which recently hit The Wall Street Journal bestseller list. In our conversation, Jeff shares a few of the practical and time-tested strategies that writers, artists, and other creative professionals can use to earn a living while pursuing their art. Jeff also dives deep into the exact process he followed when he wrote the book, from crafting the big question he wanted to answer, to conducting extensive research into the lives of some of the most successful artists of the past 500 years, like Michelangelo and Van Gogh. To buy Jeff’s book just head over to writewithimpact.com/artist. That will take you to Jeff's Am