Snyder Showdown

022 | Building a Team From the Ground Up



Chris Snyder is the President of and he is also the founder, investor, and managing partner at which he acquired in July of 2019. Juhll has helped businesses grow and connect with other organizations and services through their stern focus on handling the back end of each company's development.  Dr. Jeremy Weisz is the co-founder of Rise25, a company that helps B2B businesses connect with their 'Dream 100' clients, referral partners, and get ROI by utilizing and maximizing the many opportunities that hosting a podcast can offer. In this episode… What happens when an integral part of your team walks out of the office? How do you pick up the pieces and start rebuilding your company before your leads turn cold? Chris Snyder, President of Juhll Digital Agency, says that what you need to do is to call in someone who knows what they’re doing and let them pick through the mess and line everything up for you. They’re the doctors that your company needs to have on their side in order to properly dia