

Elf Centered for March 31 - As March wraps up, the North Pole looks forward to it's annual Spring Cleaning before Toy Making season begins.  Gavin, Beatrice and Gary are in the studio with the latest news when a sudden surprise guest crashes the broadcast.  You will not believe who joins the fun!  Be sure to download the Saturday Morning Media app for exclusive bonus content from this episode. Elf Centered is a monthly, completely improvised, broadcast from the North Pole.  Think: Welcome To Night Vale meets Christmas! Artwork by Chris Sheets Music by Kevin MacLeod Special Guest - Kevin Berntson as Santa Claus Beatrice - Jayne Entwistle Gary - Chris Sheets Gavin - Grant Baciocco Got a question for the Elves?  Send it to Help us make more shows like this one.  Become a patron of Saturday Morning Media and get cool rewards!  Visit for info! FOLLOW US https://plus.g