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Lifestyle Guru, Life Skills That Matter, Stephen Warley Show 003 - Startup Entrepreneur Listenup Show I Learn how to balance business, family and life.



  The post Lifestyle Guru, Life Skills That Matter, Stephen Warley Show 003 appeared first on Lifestyle guru, Stephen Warley, is the entrepreneur, podcast host behind the venture #lifeskillsthatmatter.  The power of his website is that he is so willing to share his own lifestyle experiments to show each of us just what is possible.    The main theme is having the courage to be yourself, continue developing and telling your personal story and stop ignoring your inner voice.   He says start by changing your habits.  Your life is the sum of your habits and "You are what you do"  People feel stuck and he helps people figure out what's holding them back by asking important questions today!  The transition from employee to self employed entrepreneur understand why you want the change, figure out what problem you want to solve, how do you want to work differently. Success for him being myself 100% of the time because when you’re an employee you cant be in alignment with who you really are - radic