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Winston Churchill Business Startup Entrepreneurship Lessons Learned Show 061



Winston Churchill Business Startup Entrepreneurship Lessons Learned Show 061 If I could interview someone Winston Churchill would top on my list and as business owners, startups and those wanting to learn lessons of entrepreneurship you must listen up to today's show 061. Winston Churchill was a soldier, a historian, a statesman, a knight, a painter, a bricklayer, and every bit a smart-aleck a war leader and one of my hero's On today’s show learn Why Study Winston Churchill? What are we going to discuss - lessons learned - > it is not just what he said with so many awesome quotes but what he did! So many life lessons: -> Where you start means little compared to where you finish. -> Bold action and good fortune can lead to remarkable circumstances. -> Even great men have bills to worry about. -> Personality can shine from small things Winston Churchill taught business owners, startups, entrepreneurs taught everyday business startup entrepreneurial success. You don’t want to be a Neville Chamberlain in business