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317: Cheryl China – 9 Pieces of Career Advice Wisdom for Leaders and CX Professionals



With most of our audience working in the customer experience industry, I asked Cheryl China some of her best tips and advice for leaving behind an unforgettable legacy in CX and how to be happier and more successful in the workplace. Some leaders have been working in the customer experience industry for years and have not left a positive legacy to their team members and employees. They leave behind negative thoughts and memories and retire miserable and unhappy. I understand that work can be toxic, and we can get lost in the moment, but it is important that we detach ourselves and reevaluate our career paths sometimes. Where are we headed and what are we working for? These career advice not just apply to the overall leadership, but also to employees as well. Some of these things might sound cliché, but you’ll be surprised to know that not many people actually do them: Be willing to move sideways in your career. Don't hesitate to take risks. Don't let perfection hold you back. Don't be afraid to ask the hard