Front End Chatter

Front End Chatter #122



Hello und velcome, friends, to Front End Chatter Episode 122 in which Simone and Marion chatter endlessly, augmented into three dimensions under the auspices of Bennetts, the bike insurance specialists and, the finest accumulation of news, sport, views, product tests and road tests ever to grace the ether. And this week – well, what do you reckon? Let’s talk about the myWorld Motorrad Grand Prix Von Österreich. Topics include: who’s to blame for that crash? is the circuit safe? why did Ducati apparently provoke Dovi into sacking himself? if riders could be somehow 100% protected from all harm and injury in crashes, would we still find racing such a compelling spectacle? is ‘safer’ inherently a) less exciting than dangerous, and b) is it inversely proportional to speed? Plus is Honda BSB rider Andy Irwin a liability ? what’s not the correct method for transporting a guitar on a bike? more ‘heaviest things you’ve carried on a bike’, and why it might include 14 bottles of Jerez brandy, 24 bot