Knitting Pipeline

Episode 36 Fix It Challenge



Sponsored by Quince & Co and my Longaberger Home Business.  Show notes and links at Japan Earthquake Relief Brenda Castiel is giving $5 from the sale of each of her designs for relief efforts.  Mary Jo  Colwell (HedgehogMJ) designed Rose of Sharing to benefit The Heifer Project and UMCOR. Nature Notes:  Panther in Illinois?  Other in my area have seen it. Before repeating anything a little bird told you, be sure it wasn't a cuckoo. Needle Notes:  I was caught without my shawl comfort knitting last week.  I fixed a pair of Scottish Kilt Hose that I knitted in 1996 before I became a piper.  My Fix It Challenge is to review your knitting to see what needs repair or modifications.  The Norwegian Setesdal Sweater continues.  I am almost done with the body of the sweater.  I want to start knitting a shawl, in particular Stripe Study Shawl.  Pipeliners share their ideas of comfort knitting.  I review the following patterns from Quince & Co:  Barcelona Scarflet, Abbey Road Socks, an