Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

On Extroversion, Introversion + Rebranding Your Life with Jacki Carr



Today's WANTcast guest is someone who's been on my list for a while now: goal coach Jacki Carr. Jacki’s become a highly sought-after pro in her arena who's helped hundreds of people across the globe not only reach their goals, but actually craft exactly what those goals look like, why they matter, and a path to them that is unique to every single person – personal goals, professional goals, whatever. I've met a lot of fantastic people over the internet through the years (holy jeez, just realized I made my first virtual friend at 12. Almost two decades. How did that happen?! [ps. it was a 14 year old girl who loved RENT as much as I did, natch]). What's interesting about Jacki is that we actually should have met in person. We've got about a zillion mutual friends, from fitness instructors we've both worked with to former Lululemon employees (Jacki used to work for Lulu) to various personalities in the Venice/Santa Monica region (where we both called home for one point in time), even people I've met through wor