Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

012: On INFJs, Deflecting Bad Juju + Being A Highly Sensitive Person w/ Jenn Granneman Of Introvert, Dear



I am an emotional sponge. I walk into a room and can instantly feel whether people are relaxed or tense. I can speak two words to you and feel what’s going on. And you can bet yer bottom dollar that I internalize whatever energy is swirling around me. For the longest time, I felt like an outsider – and truly weirded out by the fact that things as small as people laying on their car horns in rush-hour traffic would leave me shaken for a good few minutes. And then I found out that not only was I not alone, but that I could work with what I’ve got – and it was my greatest asset in this world. If you’ve been reading and listening for a while, it *probably* doesn’t come as a surprise to you that I’m into personality tests, personality indicators, and the psychology behind personality types. I find any chance to learn more about the inner workings of others, and myself, absolutely fascinating. About 6 years ago, I stumbled upon the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (here’s one you can take forfree!), took the test, and t