Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

057: Treating Yourself The Way You'd Want To Be Treated



You've probably heard "Talk to yourself like you'd talk to someone you love" as foolproof advice to shift your negative self-talk. Easy, right? But if this is the way to a healthier internal dialogue...then why doesn't it work? Why it it so hard to talk lovingly to ourselves like we'd talk lovingly to someone we care a great deal about? Here's why: it's hard because we're not talking to people this way. This episode is all about why "would you say that to a friend?!" is half-baked advice, and how to really practice shifting the script instead.  __________ Liked this epiosde and everything WANT is throwing down? Be sure to head on over to the site and SUBSCRIBE to The GOOD Word, WANT's monthly email love letter where you'll get all the posts and pods delivered directly to your email doorstep...plus first dibs on events, workshops, and the stuff I'm WANTing that I think you'll love too. Also head on over to iTunes and subscribe to the show, and leave 5 stars and a review to spread the WANTcast love. Send me