Tk With James Scott

Ep. 23: Wiley Cash & Year-End Recommendations Pt. 2



As he prepares to follow up his novels A LAND MORE KIND THAN HOME and THIS DARK ROAD TO MERCY, Wiley Cash tells James how touring, independent booksellers, and sales reps worked together to make him a success. They talk about Southern fiction, writing about place, and the subject of his next book, due out Fall 2017. Then, past guests give recommendations for 2016.     Wiley and James discuss: The Odyssey Bookshop BEAUTIFUL RUINS by Jess Walter  BILLY LYNN'S LONG HALFTIME WALK by Ben Fountain  BRIEF ENCOUNTERS WITH CHE GUEVARA by Ben Fountain  Thomas Wolfe  Charles Chesnutt  Nat Sobel (agent)  CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW  ELLEN FOSTER by Kaye Gibbons  TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee  I AM ONE OF YOU FOREVER by Fred Chappell  Ernest Gaines  Clyde Edgerton  Jill McCorkle  Woody Guthrie  Ella May Wiggins  Pete Seeger  James Fenimore Cooper  Frank Norris  - Sarah Domet Recommends:  SHOUTING WON'T HELP by Katherine Bouton  THE NIX by Nathan Hill  THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS IS by Laurie Frankel  - Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes R