Tk With James Scott

Ep. 71: SWC 03: Randall Kenan & Anna Lena Phillips Bell



The third in a series of conversations recorded at the Sewanee Writers' Conference in the summer of 2018 finds James sitting down with Randall Kenan, who talks about the books that made him feel less alone, the art of writing about food, and the legacy of James Baldwin. Plus, Anna Lena Phillips Bell, editor at Ecotone Magazine.     - Randall Kenan: Randall and James discuss:  Margot Livesey  Richard Bausch  Jill McCorkle  Tony Earley  Steve Yarbrough  Wyatt Prunty  Maurice Manning  Zora Neale Hurston  Charles Chestnut  Latin American Boom  Gabriel Garcia Marquez  Carlos Fuentes  Mario Vargas Llosa  Isabelle Allende  UNC- Chapel Hill  Amos Tutuola  Wole Soyinka  William Faulkner  Bennett Cerf  Donald Klopfer  Christine Schutt  Little Richard  Studs Terkel  V.S. Naipaul  THE LIVING IS EASY by Dorothy West  Jackie Kennedy  THE WEDDING by Dorothy West  Dan O'Brien  C-SPAN'S BOOKNOTES with Brian Lamb  SOUTHERN FOOD by John Egerton  Southern Foodways Alliance  INVISIBLE MAN by Ralph Elliso