Money Making Millennials: Entrepreneurs | Start Ups | Leaders Of The Future

03 Time Management & Start Up Advice w/ Stacey Ferreira



In today's episode, Stacey and I discuss: The problems that Stacey and her brother ran across when launching MySocialCloud How MySocialCloud affected Stacey's ability to go to college Stacey's thoughts on whether you need a college education to start a business A Time Management trick that Stacey applies in her life every day Some key things to think about when starting a business or start up Avoiding mistakes when starting a business or start up by taking customer's feedback Stacey's favorite books What entrepreneurship is in one sentence Resources mentioned during the episode: Stacey Ferreira's contact information: website, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In MySocialCloud Stacey recommended both of these books: Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and Dream It! Do It! by Marty Sklar Inspiration & Advice from Stacey: "Start your day with a list of 3 things you want to accomplish today." "Entrepreneurship is about having a problem and being scrappy to solve it." Affiliate Disclosure: Please note that som