Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep 8: Dream Big Over Deliver, Goal Setting



Dream Big and Over Deliver is the philosophy I live by. If you want to accomplish your dreams you need to plan for your dreams, visualize your success, go to sleep thinking about your dreams, wake to your dreams then do the most important thing…… Get off your ass and work till you get it!!! In this Episode I share with you my philosophy, how I use it, examples of how it has helped me accomplish my dreams and what to do once you get what you worked so hard to achieve. I share how I became a TPI Lead Presenter and how to rest your goals once you reach them to continually grow. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was the inspiration for me and taught me how to develop a plan and stick to it. Thank you to Coach Craig Doyle for the “Yo Jay!” and thanks to everyone who has gone to iTunes to rate and review the Podcast. You guys are all 5 Stars! Get involved with the community and share it with your friends. #DreamBig #OverDeliver Cheers Everybody #Coach Glass