Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep13 Glass & Gill Show #2 Bringing Sexy Back



Bringing sexy back! What is more important? Delivering a sexy exercise or an effective exercise. In the strength and conditioning and fitness industry we see too many trainers trying to impress their clients with fresh new exercises and new equipment for the sake of keeping their workouts fresh. What if what they need is just good old fashion functional training? What if the sexy exercise causes injury or creates more dysfunction. The key is communication and getting your client to buy into the need for function first and sexy second. Can you add intensity to basic functional workouts? Hell yeah you can! Add intensity to your functional movements and regress to the 4x4 correctives for the dysfunctional patterns. We are tired of hearing people say “my trainer is the best, he has me flipping tires, using sledge hammers, and stand on one leg while spinning a plate with my contralateral hand with my eyes closed.” How about “my trainer is the best because he fixed me, made me feel better, move better and play