Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep18 Magic Performance Pill



Ep19 Magic Performance Pill Most athletes would rather take a Magic Performance Pill instead of putting in the hard work that is required to truly get long lasting results! I can see the late night Infomercial: Magic Performance Pill For a Limited Time only: The Magic Performance Pill:  For only 3 easy payments of $29.99 you to can have Function, Power and Unlimited Performance in every aspect of your life. No more situps, lifting big heavy weights, going to crowded gyms with annoying trainers who all look better than you! The Magic Performance Pill will do it all!  All you need is one pill and a glass of water and Whammy! You will have success, money, power, yachts, women and soooo much more! The Magic Performance Pill… Order now and receive a second Magic performance Pill and no extra cost!  Side effects may include shortness of breathe, heart attacks, stroke, cancer, hair loss on places you were hoping to grow hair, gonorrhea, increase build up of earwax, anal leakage, decreased ability to get up for battl