Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep20 McCabe&TheCoach #2



This episode we have my go to guy for the game between the ears Dr. Bhrett McCabe in for the 2nd of many editions of the McCabe & The Coach Show. Dr.McCabe ( @DrBhrettMcCabe ) has worked with some of the best players of our generation and has a unique insight and unmatched passion for making athletes perform at their best. In this edition we talk about the 4 Factors of Great Coaches - Passion (intense desire within themselves, energy), Vision (where they are going, where they want to take a player, 3 steps ahead), Communication (clear, concise, consistent, and confident), and Honor (honor those that came before them, represent professionally to care for their current colleagues, and make it better for those that follow) #Mindside #DreamBig #OverDeliver #CoachGlass