Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep32 Cardio is for Suckers!



Cardio is for Suckers! Yeah I said it. If you are using long slow cardio trying to reach your fitness goals you are getting nowhere! Kind of like running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike….you are literally getting nowhere, spinning your wheels! In this episode we are going to share with you a better way. Sprint to your results! Get there faster! Even if you are an endurance sport athlete. You can increase your VO2 Threshold faster and higher doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIITS). Come on #LABrats! Last week you burned your bench press now you can burn your ellipticals! Who do you want to look like? A marathon runner or a sprinter. Ill take the sprinter every time. Each sport creates a stress on the body that the body needs to adapt to. One builds you up and the other breaks you down. Hormones are the key. Get more growth hormone and testosterone naturally and decrease cortisol. All this and more in an episode that is shaping up to be a #CoachGlassPodcast Classic!    #DreamBig #OverDeliver o