Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep36 Winners & Biggest Losers



Everyone’s a winner baby thats no lie! But what the hell is going on with the Biggest Loser. Break all the rules! Fat shame the participants then break them  physically and mentally and provide them with horrible nutritional advise. And this is just the season premiere! I have to rant because everything we hold true in our industry is being bastardized. On one hand the show is doing great things by helping the participants lose enormous amounts of weight and inspiring others to get off the couch. On the other hand it is scaring the crap out of people who might of thought about getting off the couch and getting a trainer because they think they will be yelled at, cry, puke in a bucket and be carted off in an ambulance! I watch it like a car crash. Hand over my eyes, looking through my fingers, waiting for the next person to get spit out the back of the treadmill. So forget about being the biggest loser, what does it take to be a winner? Winning is all about getting off the couch and trying. It doesn’t have to