Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep39 Big in Japan



There are things you do in life that you need to mark as significant experiences. Tokyo was one of those experiences! Seeing a culture that is so different to the North American culture and dive into their way of life was eye opening to say the least. The fitness culture in Japan is growing and they are opening up to new ideas and westernized philosophies. Mix that with a rich heritage of recreational and cultural activities based on movement and you have a recipe for some pretty special skill sets. Japanese are hard working and fun loving people with a rich history based on respect, honour and order. All of this makes up an experience that we can all learn from and enjoy. Because this was such an amazing experience for me I decided to share my experience with you on this special edition of the #CoachGlassPodcast. Arigato and Cheers Everybody! #CoachGlass @mytpi @performbetter