High School With Miranda Berman

High School With Annie Stamell



Dear Diary, Today's episode with Annie Stamell (CW's Fan Talk, How To Survive  High School) is so good I can't believe it. Annie is like this cool writer/producer nowadays and back when she was in high school, she was amazing! She went to high school in Maine, played field hockey, lacrosse and was a downhill ski racer, AND was voted "Most School Spirit"!!! I am so jealous, I wish I could be her! Even her relationship with her mom was cool, they were like the Gilmore Girls! Annie is so popular too, she went to a ton of house parties (WITH BOYS) and the Fallmouth Beer Team gave her this cool nickname "Stamos". Yes, like THE JOHN STAMOS. Even her nicknames are amazing.  I wonder if I'll ever get into a food fight like she has. I started watching the X-Files because I heard she was obsessed. SHHH, don't tell anyone I'm copying her.  Anyways, thanks Diary for always being here.  Ciao!!!  Xoxo High School With Miranda Berman