Wedway Radio - Walt Disney World And Disneyland Examined With Some Disney History

WEDway Radio #037 - Splash Mountain and our first birthday (ENHANCED)



Matt and Nate dive into Splash Mountain and discover its amazing story from the initial concept that was helped by the traffic on the Santa Ana freeway in LA to the near disastrous idea of synergizing thi attraction with the Touchstone Pictures release of Splash.  Also, you can't tell the story of Splash Mountain without getting into the politics of Disney's relationship with the films of the Jim Crow and so we briefly discuss Disney's legacy regarding their films and Splash Mountain's theming itself with the political correctness of the time.  Its an interesting topic and we ask a few important questions.  After that we go into the rich theming surrounding what many consider Disney's greatest attraction.  After this segment Matt and Nate thank the listeners for a year of support and go over a few personal highlights while telling how WEDway Radio came to be.  "Thank You Again." Enjoy!