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49. Interview with Darja Gutnick - Psychologist & Founder of



If there was one thing Darja Gutnick was certain about when starting her career was that she under no circumstances would run her own business. Seeing her mother making significant sacrifices and dedicating most of her life to the family business made Darja go in the very opposite direction. She has worked in consulting, academia and eventually ended up building and running her own businesses. Today she can call herself, not only founder and CEO, but a full fledged serial entrepreneur. On top of that there are plenty of other words to describe Darja. Psychologist, thinker, genuine and sharp are only a few that come to mind. In this episode we speak about how Darja, despite her early promise to herself, ended up on the entrepreneurial path, but also a whole lot more, such as self love, exhaustion and helpful routines.