Mastermind Your Launch

06: Ofelia de La Valette, Dance 101, shares how to pioneer an innovative concept



Ofelia de La Valette, owner and founder of Dance 101 didn’t find her calling to the dance world until the age of 35.  A successful insurance agent with her own company in Atlanta, Ofelia had been pounding away on the treadmill at her gym when the sounds of a cardio dance class caught her attention. Though humiliated at her own lack of skill, Ofelia jumped right in. Despite her embarrassment at being the worst in the class, Ofelia found a strengthened sense of self and scorched 20 pounds in the process. She was hooked. Today, Ofelia is providing the public with an opportunity to do for themselves what, until now, they could only watch others do on TV: to make their own leap -- from their living room to a classroom, from the audience to the stage. Listen and prepare to be transformed by the power of dance at Dance 101!