Mastermind Your Launch

22: Kevin and Devona Stimpson, Strive & Grind, empower the dreamers & go-getters to achieve greatness



Kevin and Devona Stimpson are the husband and wife team behind Strive & Grind, a global online brand dedicated to empowering others to unleash their inner greatness. Mission: After losing several friends during high school and college, Kevin and Devona felt a responsibility to be a positive influence in their community. After early jobs and internships left them feeling uninspired, they worked to turn their passion for helping other succeed into a profitable business. Mindset: Devona jokes that Kevin is a walking self-help book! Listen as he shares the mindset shift that happened when he took a deep-dive into self-improvement. Marketing: After growing an online business for several years, Kevin and Devona share the ups and downs and what has had the most success in generating the right kind of leads. Momentum: Reflecting on several events that brought momentum to their business, there is one common thread that connects them all... people. Masterminds: Kevin shares just how you can begin today mastermindin