Mastermind Your Launch

27: Juliet Pocali Tenaglia, Bella Cleaning NY, on exiting corporate for the safety of entrepreneurship



Bella Cleaning began as a passionate feeling of entrepreneurship so strong, Juliet Pocali Tenaglia couldn’t ignore it. She made a snap decision to leave the corporate world, and was loosing sleep at night as ideas and inspiration flooded her mind. Despite other people’s opinions that she needed to “stay in the corporate world and just start a little business on the side”, she knew she had to fulfill what her heart was yearning for. Since then, it’s been a ride like no other and on today’s podcast episode she shares why it’s worth every penny! Mission: As is the case with so many entrepreneurs, Juliet’s journey to launch a business began when a “safe” job suddenly dissolved. Having watched a friend build a similar cleaning business in Florida, she reached out to learn more and quickly found her thoughts consumed with ideas for her own cleaning business. I love Juliet’s how Juliet describes those early days of being so excited and focused on making her dream a reality. I know so many entrepreneurs and small bus