Mastermind Your Launch

39: Laura Lilly, Spring, on interviewing your clients to gain fast momentum during your launch



My dear friend and fellow masterminder, Laura Lilly, has over 10 years of experience working with non profit organizations. After working for a traditional consulting firm for the past eight years serving mid-sized nonprofits (like YMCAs, independent schools, hospitals, and retirement communities), she started her own company, Spring, to offer consulting services to startup and small nonprofits. Listen as Laura shares her journey and advice for gaining fast momentum as a new business. Mission: The best entrepreneurial ventures blend your WHY for you and your WHY for the world. With Spring, Laura has done just that.  She paired her desire to create an online business and have flexibility to stay home with her young family, with the desire to help smaller nonprofits get the resources and momentum they need to make the impact they envision. Mindset: Inspired to make the year ahead one of joy, Laura became much more intentional with where she spent her time and energy. While at a yoga class, she heard the lyrics,