Something Ventured -- Silicon Valley Podcast

145 William Davidow: “Civilization is Going Through Its Third Phase Change”



William Davidow is a Silicon Valley pioneer, former Intel VP, and renowned venture capitalist.  He is author of the new book, with tech journalist Michael Malone, THE AUTONOMOUS REVOLUTION: Reclaiming the Future We’ve Sold to Machines (Berrett-Koehler, February 18, 2020).  It’s a provocative look at how to safeguard humanity from our autonomous future and how to harness its benefits. According to Davidow and Malone, for the third time in the history of humanity civilization is undergoing phase change.  The first was the Agricultural Revolution, the second the Industrial Revolution, and we are now in the midst of the Autonomous Revolution. Some ideas discussed: How to adapt society to our new era and transform our relationship with intelligent machines the authors propose in the new book Creating tiered personal information “safety deposit boxes” over which users would have complete control to protect internet privacy; Imposing a tax on sending emails, time spent on social networks, and gaming; Programs that