Video Creators | Grow Your Youtube Audience, Get Subscribers, Tips For More Views, Strategy, And Make Money With Your Channel

Ahh! Controversy! YouTube notifications and Ad policies [Ep. #113]



Last week there was a lot of controversy in the YouTube world regarding how YouTube's notifications work, the subscribe button, advertiser-friendly policies, and more. While the facts being discussed are true, the hype around it feels like it's based on a misunderstanding of what the subscription experience is really like for the viewer. So, let's discuss that here today as well as how we, as creators, should respond to it in order to best reach our audiences with our videos. Leave your comments on our website here: LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE - The original YouTube notifications comments: - YouTube Notifications in-depth: - Notifications with Thumbnail Preview: - Ad policy checkbox: - Advertiser guidelines discussion: https://www.yout